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Member Code

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The Member Code is a bar code or 4 digit number that can be used to check into your Eli’s Rewards account when visiting the shop. This is an alternative option to giving the Barista the phone number associated with your account. 

Checking in is an important step, because you must be checked in to receive points for your order, redeem gifts, and pay for your order with credit on your account.

Opening the Member Code

The Member Code can be found by tapping the Member Code button located at the bottom navigation part of the app. This article will show you where the button is located.

Note: You will need to be logged in with an Eli’s Rewards account on the app in order to view your member code.

Using the Member Code

When checking out, tell your Barista the 4 digit number that appears on your screen.

If you do not have your phone with you, you can still check in by giving the Barista the phone number associated with your account. 

Note: Your member code changes with each visit to the shop, so you won’t be able to use the same code twice. 

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